Hidden In Our Heart

Today’s Devotion was written by Chelsey Coffee

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:110 (NIV)

I don’t know about you, but every day I am faced with some sort of temptation of sin. Whether it be gossip, a small white lie, eating something I shouldn’t, or putting something or someone before my relationship with God, I struggle with it daily. Even earlier this week, I was tempted to tell someone I already had plans just so I could get out of doing something I didn’t want to do.

The world says it’s okay to gossip. The enemy encourages us to lie. But we know as followers of Jesus Christ, that God wants so much more for us.

In Chapter 4 of the book of Mathew, it tells us how Jesus was tested by Satan in the wilderness. Each time Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus would respond to him by quoting scripture. Jesus overcame Satan’s temptation by remembering God’s promises. My friends, so can we.

We can overcome Satin’s temptation by remembering God’s promises. –Tweet this!

God uses His beautiful Word to speak to us and encourage us. That is why reading scripture is so incredibly important. If you are also able to, memorizing scripture is a fantastic way to have it at your fingertips. The Psalmist writes in Psalm 114 about hiding God’s word deep within our hearts.

Therefore, when we are going through a rough moment, we can remember God’s wonderful promises of hope. If we are at a point where we are facing temptation, we can remember the better life God wishes for us instead. God’s Word is hidden within our very hearts.


“Father God, thank you for giving us Your Word. Help me to hide it in my heart, so I can remember Your promises and the life You intended for me. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!”

Chelsey CoffeeMeet The Aurthor:

Chelsey Coffey is a Christ-follower, writer, wife and mother. She and her husband are currently in the beginning stages of planting a church. She writes about faith and spiritual growth at her blog: chelseycoffey.com. You can also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you for following along today. I hope you were encouraged and inspired by Chesey’s words on how to battle temptation. ~Kelly

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6 thoughts on “Hidden In Our Heart

  1. Kelly Basham says:

    Thank you again Chelsey for sharing your devotion with us. I love that you encouraged us to battle temptation by keeping Gods word close to our heart. Powerful truth to remember my friend!

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