3 Strikes Don’t Always Mean You’re Out!

The Power Of Sticking Together

Today’s testimonial story has been shared by my friend Angie Kutzer.

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3 Strikes Don’t Always Mean You’re Out!

By Angie Kutzer

While watching my youngest son play baseball this summer, I began to think about the many times that I have “Struck Out” in life. Each game, as I watch his sad, defeated little face, when he strikes out, I think of what a life lesson Baseball is….

Yes, often times the baseball player strikes out (as do all of us, multiple times, in life!), but they always get back up off that bench, and try again the next inning!

As I’ve been pondering ‘Relationships’, to prepare this Guest Blog Post for “The Power of Sticking Together” series, for you all; my memory is putting before me, a portion of my life, in which “3 Strikes” did NOT mean I was out….

I have been married for 13 years.  Marriage is the relationship in my life, that has required the most forgiveness, attention, continuing education, perseverance, love, pride, and “I’m Sorry’s”, of any relationship that I have ever had!

There have been 3 times, in my 13 yrs. Of marriage, that I have told my senior pastor, “It is Over”.
And all three times, right after stating that out loud, the Lord worked in marvelous ways to restore our relationship; which is, today, the best that it has ever been!

The first time that I went to my senior pastor, crying and looking for advice, I was ready to give up out of extreme loneliness.  My husband was working all the time, day and night, and I felt abandoned.  I spent most of my time stuck at home taking care of 2 babies, and praying that my husband would admit my need and fulfill it, by spending more quality time with me!

I was pretty young at this point in life, and must not have realized the truth of the statement, “God works in mysterious ways”.  This personal trial taught me patience.   Not only patience with my husband, but also patience with God, to allow Him to reveal his next move. You see, at the same time that I was giving up, my husband was missing me tremendously too. After his 2 yrs. of very long work days and nights, he made a decision to make time with the kids and I a priority.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV)

And so it was, we had each fallen away from what was most important in our lives, but together we worked on our relationship, and helped each other up!

The second time that I went to my Senior Pastor, ready to give up, was several years later.  This time, my husband was struggling with anger.  He needed to learn to control his fiery emotions, and I felt that he was not making any effort to do so.

Just a few days after talking with my Pastor this time, my oldest child was diagnosed with a life-long behavioral/emotional issue.  My husband and I were at a loss for how to deal with this new development in our lives….

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”  Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV)

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken(2)Although we felt, at times, like we were overpowered by the weight of this new information, we defended ourselves together, by learning, researching, and growing in knowledge, every day, together.   This studying and learning not only forced us to work as a team, but also taught us many new ways to deal with emotions differently.  We were forced to learn new ways to express our feelings in our household.  We were forced to learn to speak softly and to control our emotional responses, to help our child control his.

Thank You Lord, for being that Third Strand in our marriage and forcing us to learn and move ahead together!

The third time, that I exclaimed “It is over!”, it seems that I was experiencing an early midlife crisis. The pressures of modern society were helping me create thoughts within me that there was “more fun” and “more love” and “more to life” with someone else…  But all I got out of a 6 week time period of having my own bedroom, and my own bed, was deep deep loneliness! There was not “more fun” to be had, just nights spent hanging out with “fun” people, who would never “love” me.

“Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?

Ecclesiastes 4:11 (NIV)

Thankfully, my loneliness during this time, lead me even closer to God as my “Best Friend”, and God lead me right back to the truth that marriage is meant to be a forever union. And back to the TRUTH that no one can love me more, accept me more, and hold me up better, than my Husband and my God!

All three instances are common occurrences at some point in marriages. However, I don’t know if couples commonly go through all three, like we have…  I am certain, however, that without God’s persistence and constant reminders of the importance of Relationships, my marriage would not have remained bound together through Him.

May God Bless you with deep meaningful relationships, and remind you constantly that although it may be work, you will help each other; that whenever it is ‘cold’, rely on the other to be right next to you, keeping you warm; and most importantly, that your marriage will be stronger with a third strand, God, ever-present in it!

Let God be the Umpire of your life! –Tweet this!

Let God be the Umpire of your Life, and you will never strike out!

Angie Kutzer IMG_8298
Meet Angie Kutzer

Angie started FromMyLifeToYourHeart, out of her passion to share her life and her faith.  Her wish is to Inspire Good Choices, Perseverance, and Forgiveness through Sharing her life Experiences.

Angie has been a blogger for 2 years, and has just started working on her 1st book.   She is a Public Speaker at many varied events, on a large array of topics!

Angie lives in North Dakota, with her husband, 2 sons, and black dog named “Vader”.  She strives to share her faith and positivity with everyone she encounters! You can also connect with Angie on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Isn’t Angie’s story encouraging? It’s easy to want to give up and through in the towel when you feel like you keep striking out in your relationships. But don’t let a few missed curve balls keep you on the bench. Get back up to plate and try again my friend!

Thank you for following along today!  ~Kelly

Weekly Linkups

Be sure to stop by these awesome blogs I am linking up with this week for more encouragement. Click here.

One thought on “3 Strikes Don’t Always Mean You’re Out!

  1. aimeeimbeau says:

    Thank you for your transparency here, Angie. Our stories are so important to others who are struggling. It gives hope in Jesus. Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth.

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