The Patience Zone By Elizabeth Livingston

The Patience Zone

But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 It's hard to patiently wait for things when we live in a world where everything is instant, but with God's help we can learn to be patient.

The Patience Zone

By Elizabeth Livingston

In today’s fast and instant world no one likes the idea of waiting very long. The world is moving fast and developing in various technologies. Information is available at the tip of your finger. Everything you need can be brought to your doorstep in a short time. Whether it is food, clothes, or house accessories; you can get all these things online. Everything is instant! There is no need to wait very long for anything anymore.

In the same way, we want instant answers for our prayers too. Waiting seems difficult, uncomfortable, tiresome, and illogical. Most of the time, we try to find solutions for our problems by ourselves when God seems late in answering our prayers. We are impatient, when God’s ways don’t match with our solutions. Our impatience gets worse as time runs out of our hands. We put God in a box and try to tell Him what He should be and shouldn’t be doing in our case. We try to list out things we want Him to do for us—and we want Him to do them instantly.

Our impatience makes us doubt God’s plans for our lives.

Being the impatient person I was, I never liked waiting. I wanted God to answer my prayers as quickly as possible. I didn’t like the idea of God putting us on hold, seeing our tears, our struggles, our difficulties but yet making us wait for Him to answer our prayers. I couldn’t understand why I had to wait when He is the all-powerful, all-knowing God who can easily put an end to our problems.

I was once in a situation where waiting was the only option I had. My own efforts didn’t bring me out of my crisis. My plans didn’t work out. Every door I tried to open slammed shut in my face. I prayed the same prayer again and again, but it wasn’t answered. I was frustrated.

“My Patience Zone” was changing and strengthening me.

But while I was waiting on God, I learned an incredible lesson; waiting was developing my patience, my faith, and my character. I realized waiting didn’t make me weak. It made me strong as I began to trust His timing. Waiting helped me to understand that God’s plans are always good for His children. Waiting helped me to put myself fully into God’s hands instead of focusing on my unanswered prayers.

Waiting strengthens our faith, develops our character, and teaches us to trust God’s timing! Tweet this!

There will be seasons in life when being in a “Patience Zone” is the only option we have. Take heart! Trust God’s plans for your lives. As you wait on Him, you will renew your strength, your faith, your perseverance and your character. He alone knows what is best for you. Give yourself fully to Him and let Him unfold His beautiful plans for your life in His time.


Dear Lord, Please help me to be patient. Help me to trust your plans for my life completely. Please guide me through your peace and joy as I wait upon you. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!

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Meet The Author

Elizabeth Livingston loves studying the Bible and sharing her insights to encourage others. Elizabeth lives in Kerala, India with her husband and two children. Stop by her new blog Wings of Faith to learn more or connect with her on Facebook & Twitter.




Patience-Part 2 in a series on the Fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23

Thank you for joining us! This devotion is a part of our current series: Sweet Smelling Fruit; Cultivating a Heart that Lives by the Spirit. Right now we are taking a closer look at #Patience.

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2 thoughts on “The Patience Zone

  1. rjbritton says:

    I’ve been in that waiting zone, too, Elizabeth. I don’t think I was very patient, not to start with anyway. But, I learned to rely on God during that time.

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