Tempted To Run

Have you ever had one of those days? You know, those days when everything you touch crumbles?

I recently had one of those days. The day didn’t start off bad. I woke up feeling refreshed and determined to have a productive day. I was going to spend some time in the word, exercise, clean my house, do a little writing, cook a fabulous dinner, and spend some time with my family. It was going to be a good day! Or so I thought…

Plans are good until they get ruined.

My day was not good or productive; I did not exercise, I didn’t get my house clean, I didn’t have enough time to get in the word, and the writing wouldn’t flow. The only thing I managed to do was yell at my children, snap at my husband and burn our dinner. (Praise the Lord it didn’t catch on fire; those chicken wings were as dry as the Sahara desert!)

After my string of frustrating mishaps and mistakes, I felt like a failure. It was as if I was standing alone in an emotional storm of disappointment—every mistake like a heavy wave of defeat crashing over me. I didn’t understand. Why didn’t anything turn out the way it was supposed to?

I wanted to erase the day from my memory. Hoping to forget my very bad day, I considered packing my bags and booking the first trip out-of-town. I thought perhaps my situation would seem brighter from the sands of a sunny beach in the Caribbean. Or maybe a few days with a picturesque view of the mountains in the background would calm my heart.

Have you ever felt that way?

How do we overcome the desire to give in to negative emotions? This devotion encourages us to seek the only one who can silence our fears, doubts, and insecurities. Psalm 107:28-29

In Micah Maddox’ new book Anchored In she says, “When the waves are high and the wind is heavy, and you feel like you can’t take one more moment of it, God is present in it all.” Micah’s words remind us we’re not alone. God is not off somewhere far away in the distance; he’s right beside us when life goes haywire. He knows when things get out of hand and we feel like we can’t go on. We don’t have to weather the chaotic storms of life by ourselves. We can reach out to God and hold on to Him when the winds and the waves surround us. He is our refuge and strength when trouble comes.

Running sounded like a good idea, but a change of scenery wouldn’t fix anything. Destinations don’t solve problems. My problems would still be there when I returned. Instead of trying to escape my situation I should have hunkered down and taken refuge in the only one who can guide me through the storms of life.

Are you tempted to run when life gets crazy? Running might temporarily muffle the storms around us, but it won’t permanently quiet them. There is only one who can calm the storms and silence the seas and that is the Lord our God.

When we seek God, we can trust Him to supply us with everything we need to overcome the battles we’re facing. God is our refuge and strength when trouble comes(Psalm 107:28-29). No matter what we’re facing He is there, waiting for us to run into the shelter of His arms. The next time our storms start brewing let’s remember to Anchor In to God; the one who helps and guides us in our time of need.

Book Review of Anchored In by Micah Maddox

Thank you for joining me today! Would you like to experience a more powerful life in the midst of a messy, problem-filled world? I invite you to read my full review of Anchored In by Micah Maddox on Amazon.

3 thoughts on “Tempted To Run

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Great encouragement! Totally identify with the wonderful plans for the day going wrong… Next time I’ll try to remember to turn to the Lord straight away 🙂

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