How To Write A Devotion

How to write a devotion.Which way is the right way to write a devotional? There are several different styles out there when it comes to writing a devotion. Author Jerry Jenkins has an excellent article on his website that covers the different methods perfectly. I encourage you to stop by and read more about it later.

The Idea Method is really nothing more than a template I developed over time to help me pinpoint what God has put on my heart to share. Its main purpose is to help us point readers to the truth in God’s word and then encourage them to apply that learned truth. This is also the preferred style for the Petals of Wisdom devotional series hosted here on the blog. If you are interested in writing a guest devotional, please click here.

The Idea Method


How to write a devotion using the idea method:


First, we must identify the situation, problem, or sin. Use a story from the bible or a personal experience to help bring your devotion to life. This is our opportunity to open the reader’s eyes and shine a light on what may or may not be going on in their lives and the world around them. Be sure to use a powerful statement or question to really capture the readers’ attention.


You’ve identified the issue and captured the reader’s attention. Now it’s time to direct them to the nourishing truth found in God’s word and show them what it says. In a friendly and compassionate manner, try to answer these questions for our reader: What do the scriptures say about this issue?  Does God provide specific directions for us on how to handle the subject? What lesson can we learn?


Now that we’ve identified the problem and pointed them to the seeds of truth in God’s word, it’s time to instill hope and confidence in the reader’s heart. Does God’s word offer comfort about the issue? Is there a promise in His word that our reader needs to be reminded of? Answering questions like these will encourage and prepare our reader’s hearts for the next step.


We want the truth and wisdom we’ve shared with our readers to take root and grow.  Once our reader’s heart has been prepared, it’s time to reinforce what God’s word says and remind them how it applies to them. This can be done with a powerful closing statement or a challenging question to inspire the reader. (If your reader were only to remember one piece of information from your devotion, what would you want it to be? Or in other words, what’s the key point?)

Free Printable

Free printable template on how to use the IDEA method to write a devotional.

Click to download or print.

*Please note: All free resources on the website are available to download and then print from your own personal device. I don’t currently have the capability to mail any of the free resources offered on the blog to a physical address–it’s not a service I can provide at this time. Please accept my apologies.



