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Prudent Lips to Protect Precious Pearls

“When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.” Proverbs 10:19 [ESV] Prudent Lips to Protect Precious Pearls

By Kelly R. Baker

When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.” Proverbs 10:19 [ESV]

I quickly looked down at the floor, trying to seem innocent. I could feel the redness beginning to creep up my neck and into my cheeks in a telling blush. I felt naked.

It felt like my “pearls” had been stolen, yet I had just given them away.

My pearls are what is precious to me: my dreams, desires, feelings. Those private spaces of my heart shouldn’t be shared with just everyone. They should only be shared with my core group. The people I know I can trust. The ones that I know won’t betray me.

I had just given my prized pearls away to an unappreciative acquaintance. She wasn’t one that should have been privy to my innermost thoughts.

I didn’t truly want to share my heart with her, but I wasn’t careful. I had been in such a habit of saying whatever came into my head. I had been a fool again; I had told all.

You can quickly be viewed as a wise person just by shutting your mouth. – Tweet this!

God had been pointing out the folly of my mouth’s habits to me, but I hadn’t been listening. Right then the Holy Spirit reminded me of Proverbs 10:19. It seemed I had been more in the habit of uttering all my mind and consequently blushing, when I could quickly be viewed as a wise person just by shutting my mouth! This time it was welcome relief to my growing awkwardness. It felt like God handed me a safe to keep my pearls protected.

Then I decided: I want that!

The next time we had a conversation, her curiosity of my private life was quelled by answering her questions with a question. The conversation moved to generalities, and my pearls were subsequently protected. The only obvious blush that time was the makeup on my face.

Let’s pray:

God, I choose to guard my mouth rather than being hasty with my words. Give me the discernment to know who to share my “pearls” with and with whom I should be discreet. Help me to apply the wisdom of Your Word to avoid unnecessary trouble or heartache. Amen.

Meet Kelly:

Kelly R. Baker is an ordained ministry leader who writes to motivate Christ followers to stay spiritually nourished and thriving. Her core message is to grow spiritually by eating “daily bread,” and enjoy the fruit that comes from a life yielded to God. When not keeping her crew of four on the family routine you will probably find her sneaking a bite (or more) of dark chocolate. Read more from Kelly on her blog at You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Thank you following along today! ~Kelly Basham

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