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I Need You

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.(1)


Today’s devotion was written by M.D. Bronson


Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” Isaiah 43:1b-2 (NIV)


I’m afraid. Everything’s falling apart, and my heart hurts. It’s cracking; I feel it. Dust swirls around my feet and face; I can’t see.

The trial’s deep and rushing too quickly. The waves knock me over. I can’t stand anymore; I’m tired. My hands grip nothing and everything at once. I grasp and gasp.

Help me, I cry.

I’m here, He says. I’ll hold you.

He reaches and lifts, sets me in His hand.

He walks.

The trial rages and burns beneath us. It’s wild. The waves crash against His mightiness and rush away. The flames burn blue along His holy hem.

No further, He commands.

They stop, wilt and fade into nothing.

He stops and sets me on green dotted yellow and white and lilac.

My child, He says, did you see what we did?

I say, We walked through it.

And you’re alright, He says.

I am. Because of You, I say.

You’re mine. And I’ve promised. Remember, now.

When trials come we only need one thing: the presence of our Abba Father. –Tweet this!

Our Lord never promised us an absence of trial, but He does promise His presence in trial. As we reach the end of our own strength, His strength magnifies. He is strong when we aren’t.

We need only one thing: the presence of our Abba Father. We don’t need answers, direction or prescription; all we need is Him. And, in His mercy, He promises to be with us from beginning to last and forever beyond.

We are redeemed. Redeemed and forever reserved.

So, do not fear. Be strong in the power of His might, and rest within His bountiful presence.


Precious Father, I’m weak. I’m small and unable. But, You are all things and have spilled Your holiness over me. Please, cleanse my vision; remind me to see You in and through the storm. Cling to me when I stumble. Fill me with Your Spirit, and thank You. Thank You for being my All in All. I need You. Only You. In His name and for His glory, Amen.


Meet The Aurthor:

M.D. Bronson is mother to four daughters, sister to the Savior, and daughter of the King. She loves authenticity, her fanny pack, digging in dirt, sharp pencils, and watching her Father’s hand spin Life in and around her. Oh, and words. She loves words. Connect with M.D. on her blog @ and on Facebook.



Thank you for following along today. I hope you were as encouraged by M.D.’s words as I was.   ~Kelly

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