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Seeing the Entire Picture–my book review of Battle Ready



What’s this book about?

In her book Battle Ready, Kelly Balarie encourages us to move forward into a life of victory as we learn to let go of our doubts and fears by overcoming the challenges we face. Kelly invites readers to change their thought patterns with a 12-step scriptural plan. This biblically based plan gives us the tools we need to turn our negative mindset around so that we can break free from our negative thought patterns and walk in freedom with Christ.


What did I learn?

Battle Ready is meaty. You’ll want to take your time reading, so that each step or warrior mindset as Kelly calls them, will have time to sink in. And a highlighter is a must! Lots of good quotes and points to remember in these pages.

There were several quotes I loved, but this one hit home: “It’s not necessarily what happened that hurts the most but how we keep retranslating it, day after day, year after year, to no end.

I tend to assume the worst when something happens. For example, I once asked my husband how he liked the outfit I chose for our much-needed date night. Rather than showering me with the praise I expected, he nonchalantly replied: “It looks fine.

His words—and the way he said them—made me angry and I no longer felt like going out with him. I thought he didn’t care. And yes, I told him exactly how I felt.

What I failed to realize is that his response didn’t have anything to do with me or my outfit. After I calmed down and was ready to listen, I discovered he’d had a long day at work, and his mind was preoccupied with everything that had transpired during the day.

The second we see past our flesh, we begin to see by the Spirit. Our flesh lies, but God never does.” –Kelly Balerie

In my mind (my flesh), I assumed my husband’s words meant this: he thinks the outfit is ugly, he doesn’t think I’m attractive, he doesn’t love me… I had translated the situation wrong and assumed the worst before I knew the entire truth. (Which is precisely what the enemy wants me to do; he want’s me to give in to my flesh and believe those untruths.)

In her book, Kelly encourages us to seek the truth of the Holy Spirit so that we can see things from God’s view. She reminds us that we can only see one side of the story, but God sees the entire picture. If we want to change how we perceive things we’ll need to rely on God’s Spirit of truth and ask him to change our hearts so that we can better understand the way he sees the world (John 16:13).

Kelly’s book challenges me to see the entire picture. When I’m tempted to think the worst I need to remember to ask God to help me see things through his eyes. God’s spirit will always lead me to the truth. And with the truth fresh in my mind I’ll be able to begin translating things from a life-giving, truth-seeking perspective.

What other things did I love about the book?

Kelly gives readers several ways to take action and apply what they’ve learned. At the end of each chapter, there is a prayer to pray, a place to write down what we’re thankful for, and personal reflection questions. And if you want to read this book with a group, there is an additional set of questions at the end of every chapter to work through together.

Extra Goodies:


Who should read this book?

I love Kelly’s honesty throughout the book. The real-life stories she shared helped me relate to what she was saying and had me thinking, “Me too!” After reading this book, it’s clear Kelly wrote it to help us win the battle against our negativity and live victoriously. I highly recommend this book to anyone who struggles with debilitating thoughts, doubts, fears, worry, and for those who feel trapped by a negative mindset.

Purchase your copy of #BattleReadyBook on Amazon or wherever books are sold.



As a member of the book launch team for Battle Ready, I received a free digital copy of this book. Although I was given a free copy of this book, all opinions are my own. This post contains no affiliate links.

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