The Lies Pride Tells

Could pride be getting in the way of your relationship with your spouse? Whenever I feel wronged, I tend to be a grudge holder. My pride gets the better of me, and I start to believe the lies it tells.  Pride has a way of stifling the truth. If not dealt with, it will grow … Continue reading The Lies Pride Tells

The Power of a Name

So why the emotional attachment to our names? Well, besides the fact that we've been answering to them all of our lives, I think it's because it intimately connects us to others.

You Are Loved. Inspiring stories from readers like you.

Inspiring stories about love that will encourage and lift your spirits. Even when you think you're all alone in the world- God always comes through. A mom from Nashville, TN writes: My children and I have been going through a life transition since my husband decided to move out. It has been very difficult and, … Continue reading You Are Loved. Inspiring stories from readers like you.